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IPortico Academy Trust Governance ilawulwa yiTrust Board. Ama-trustee ayi-13 ami kanje;

UBob Hellen

UCheryl Woolf

UGraham Lane

UFrances Gretton

U-Alan Murkin

UKate Baynes

Sue Hay

UHeather Oram

UKaren Packer

URos Sanders

UClaire Smith

UDavid Struthers

URon Wright


Umphathi omkhulu

Iphini likaSihlalo noSihlalo Wezezimali

Uma ufisa ukuqhubeka uxoxe nganoma yiziphi izingqinamba ezimayelana nesikole sengane yakho, njengoba uqale wadlula kothisha / uthishanhloko kuqala, sicela uthinte uSihlalo Wama-Trustees, uMnu Bob Hellen noma u-CEO, uNkk Cheryl Woolf ePortico House, 59, Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh on Sea , Essex SS9 2JB


01702 468047


Porters Grange Primary School & Nursery, Lancaster Gardens, eSouthend oLwandle, e-Essex, SS1 2NS

Ingxenye yePortico Academy Trust - ukuvula iminyango, ukuvula amathuba -

I-59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, i-Essex, i-SS9 2JB - 01702 987890

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