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online safety

Safeguarding is a thread which runs through everything we do at Porters Grange. Our first priority is always ensuring the safety of our children; this includes in their online lives. As such, we prioritise online safety and ensure that our children have the tools necessary to navigate their online lives, now and into the future.

Computing Lessons

We follow the Teach Computing scheme of work from the National Centre for Computing Education which is a DFE consortium of organisations who have come together to develop a curriculum with the goal  of providing world leading computing education for every school in England. A major part of their curriculum is online safety.

From the first term in Year 1, our children learn how to use a computer responsibly and to understand the rules around using technology and how they help keep us safe. This progresses up to Year 6 when the children learn about sharing information online and the nature of digital footprints.


Our extensive work in computing lessons is followed up with our PSHE lessons through which we reinforce the importance of keeping ourselves safe online. Our PSHE lessons cover the following:

Year 1

  • How and why people use the internet and how to stay safe online

Year 2

  • Using the web safely and protecting personal information

  • Understand that some information online might not always be true.

Year 3

  • Understand how the internet can be used positively and consider how it can be improved for children

  • Recognise dangerous or potentially unsafe situations online and make safe reliable choices

  • Identify strategies to recognise whether information online is true or accurate.

Year 4

  • Understand that everything shared online has a digital footprint.

  • Know that search results are based on the popularity of the website which can affect the information people access. Fake news!


Year 5

  • Learn basic strategies to assess whether content online is based on fact, opinion or is biased.


Year 6

  • Diffusing online conflict and avoiding potential harm.

The 2 Johns

Every year we are lucky enough to be visited by the 2 Johns in order to receive expert, up to date advice about online safety. These sessions are provided to all children in KS1 and KS2 through engaging assemblies and workshops through which they explore age appropriate dangers and strategies for the children to keep themselves safe.

As brilliant as these sessions are, we appreciate that keeping children safe is a collaborative effort between the children, the parents and the school. As a result, the 2 Johns also conduct annual parental sessions and staff training. Through this comprehensive approach, we are able to ensure that no stone is left unturned when it comes to online safety training.

In addition to their superb talk which we host in school, they also provide useful information via their website which can be found at ESafety Training

Parental Guides

Being a parent of young children today can be incredible daunting. Below is a selection of guides which will hopefully help demystify some of the different apps and websites which your child may use.

There are also a number of organisations which focus on online safety and have useful resources to help prepare parents for the challenges of parenting in the modern online world. Links to some key organisations can be found below:

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This is a superb guide to 48 of the most commonly used social websites. Simply typing in the website name e.g. Club Penguin, Minecraft etc. will enable you to see how to access privacy settings, safety advice, reporting and signing up.


This site aims to make online parenting simple. It gives practical tips and simple guidance for using the internet.


You can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) helps children stay safe online and works nationally and internationally to bring offenders, including those involved in production, distribution and viewing of child abuse material, to the UK Courts. It is often referred to as the online 999. You can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.


a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.


01702 468047


Porters Grange Primary School & Nursery, Lancaster Gardens, eSouthend oLwandle, e-Essex, SS1 2NS

Ingxenye yePortico Academy Trust - ukuvula iminyango, ukuvula amathuba -

I-59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, i-Essex, i-SS9 2JB - 01702 987890

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